布萊恩·科蘭斯頓,亨特·杜漢,霍普·戴維斯,索菲亞·布萊克-德埃利亞,小伊塞亞·維特洛克,邁克爾·斯圖巴,卡門·艾喬戈,小本杰明·弗洛雷斯,羅茜·佩雷茲,瑪格·馬丁戴爾,艾米·蘭德克,莉莉·凱,基思·馬切坎揚加,安德烈·沃德·哈蒙德,吉米·坦頓,Robert M Castillo,Matthew Gilmore,Chad Governale,Scott Green
迄今看的撕逼大劇都是在法學(xué)院(不同的)同學(xué)的各種軟磨硬泡下打開的。老阿姨是我的嘴替了, I need a drink, I need a massage.
“Sometimes the thought is closer to the truth, to reality, than an action. You can say anything, you can do anything, but you can't fake a thought."http:// Movie is, really, thoughts (fantastical, dark, bleak, etc) turned into reality.