8.0安吉拉·貝塞特,彼得·克勞斯 Peter Krause,詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt,奧利弗·斯塔克 Oliver Stark,艾莎·辛德斯 Aisha Hinds,肯尼斯·崔 Kenneth Choi,瑞安·古茲曼 Ryan Guzman,洛克蒙·鄧巴 Rockmond Dunbar,科琳·瑪西亞 Corinne Massiah,馬坎索尼·雷斯 Marcanthonee Reis,加文·麥克休 Gavin McHugh,翠茜·索姆斯 Tracie Thoms,Marsh
“Sometimes the thought is closer to the truth, to reality, than an action. You can say anything, you can do anything, but you can't fake a thought."http:// Movie is, really, thoughts (fantastical, dark, bleak, etc) turned into reality.