9.0比爾·奈伊,威爾·阿奈特,扎克·加利凡納基斯,凱麗·加納,泰勒·帕特里克·瓊斯,派珀·麥肯錫·哈里斯,加布里埃爾·卡塞斯,Jack Conley,南?!ぜ{什,賈斯汀·蒙特爾,盧頓·萬(wàn)恩懷特三世,克里斯·埃里斯,Travis Davis,杰姆斯·黃,Corey Michael Eubanks
A must-watch movie, just bc of the story/history. The movie is comparable with the book, in all aspects (not like spotlight). Carey really shines in it. Talking about the movie itself, scripts need polishing. It’s a movie about women. With many female characters as important roles, the director needs to figure out a way to better portray them.