崔凡特·羅茲,凱瑞·西蒙斯,哈威·凱特爾,卡萊·布朗,Scott MacDonald,Suzette Lange,Nathalie J. Alarcon,Elisha Davis,Ethan Dubin,Erica Rowell Green,B.J. Minor,Kenneth Trujillo,Li Eubanks,Jackie Sanders,Lawrence J. Hughes,勞拉·哈里爾,格蕾絲·扎布里斯基,羅素·霍恩斯比,奧妮克·阿德莉,薩默·馬迪森,柯莉·坎帕尼,KateLynn E. Ne
It' abousolutely fabulous acting, fabulous directed, but kindly like a multiple movies mixed version, too many thread bumped up at once. I really expected more. I loved the concept, and admire Sam Mendes, unfortunately, got my expectations a bit too high.