6.0安迪·加西亞,阿德里婭·阿霍納,迪耶戈·博內(nèi)塔,葛洛麗亞·伊斯特芬,伊莎貝拉·莫奈,克洛伊·菲內(nèi)曼,勞拉·哈靈,恩里克·穆西安諾,Chelsea Alana Rivera,James J. Zito III,南茜·德·梅奧,魯本·拉巴薩,凱西·托馬斯·布朗,佩德羅·達(dá)米安,瑪卡瑞娜·阿查加,Celine Alva,謝鶴群,杰弗里·保羅·瓦倫蒂,丹妮·海芙琳,華金·蒙特斯
4.5 wow this is so much better than S1. Turns out if you do the opposite of S1, not pre-determined to do simpleton allegory, not write ridiculous cardboard cutout characters but complex, nuanced ones, not let characters say every single thought out loud, not overuse the same non-diegetic music to cover up your lack of tension or comedic effect, you make a pretty damn good tv show!