崔凡特·羅茲,凱瑞·西蒙斯,哈威·凱特爾,卡萊·布朗,Scott MacDonald,Suzette Lange,Nathalie J. Alarcon,Elisha Davis,Ethan Dubin,Erica Rowell Green,B.J. Minor,Kenneth Trujillo,Li Eubanks,Jackie Sanders,Lawrence J. Hughes,勞拉·哈里爾,格蕾絲·扎布里斯基,羅素·霍恩斯比,奧妮克·阿德莉,薩默·馬迪森,柯莉·坎帕尼,KateLynn E. Ne
I’m so glad this movie did not disappoint! I think the movie expanded the dialogue as well as centered the focus of the topics. The car scenes are so well done. The movie is just as good as the book if not better!