8.0賈西·迪阿洛·溫斯頓,泰柔娜·派麗絲,米克·米爾,珍妮特·摩絲,Jamaal Burcher,William Catlett,Rick Kelvin Branch,Marla Aaron Wapner,David A MacDonald,Melanie Jewel Howard,Donielle T. Hansley Jr.,Milan Ray,Charles D. Clark,Kezii Curtis,Tiana Melvina,Arnold Y. Kim
People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. - Dostoyevsky 總感覺少點什么,好似戛然而止了,很多幸存者離去了,留下的到底是為了什么在奮斗呢?正義?和平未來?可是隨身攜帶的trauma怎么辦,看著幸存者們口述的痛苦和煎熬,不免還是挺心疼的。anyway想去看看留有彈孔的雕像們。