10.0凡妮莎·哈金斯,喬什·懷特豪斯,埃曼紐爾·施萊琪,哈里·賈維斯,雅各布·索利,米密·吉安諾普洛斯,杰西·格爾瓦西,Ella Kenion,Jonah Wineberg,Andrea Senior,Telysa Chandler,Jean-Michel Le Gal,Isabelle Franca,Simon Webster,Scott Ryan Yamamura,Shanice Johnson
Amazingly camera shot and nice atomsphere as a sucessful chief. I hate that thing with singular authensity. If you look at successful people, you will find the simialr approach, at first, they immitate the ones they admire, and then, they formed their own styles.